Alexander Technique In Bristol Simon Gore I.T.M.

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The Alexander Technique gives us new ways of seeing our problems and effective tools for solving them, first in ourselves, then in our jobs, relationships, lives.

Private Lessons

Like all ITM trained teachers, I am certified and fully insured to teach both group and individual lessons. Group lessons can be a powerful learning experience and people tend to learn more and learn faster this way. Many people, however, are more comfortable learning one-to-one. It's your call and, of course, you can always change your mind later.

  • One-to-one lessons
      Individual sessions last for 30 to 40 minutes and are charged at £45.00.
  • Groups
      Group sessions can last 70 or 80 minutes, depending on the size of the group, and are charged at £30.00 per person

    Email here to book your lesson

    “The effortless rib expansion and lack of tension in my neck and jaw meant that I could sing a G just as easily as the lower notes. It was a whole new experience.”
    Chris, accountant and aspiring singer.


Introductory Talks/Demonstrations


      Approximately a two hour introduction to the work including demonstration lessons and questions and answers.

    The perfect taster session for schools, colleges, or any interested group. Fee negotiable.


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  • Evening, half-day or day workshops
      For larger groups/organisations, professional development days etc. Possibly involving more than one teacher.
  • Weekend workshops
      For larger organisations involving a team of teachers working in rotation.


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The ITM Teacher Training Program

Along with my partner, Tracy Gil, I help coordinate the ITM Alexander Technique Teacher Training Course currently running in Bristol.

This intensive four year program is demanding but hugely rewarding (many people have taken the full course for their own development without any intention of becoming a teacher). The first three modules, each six months long, are "stand alone" courses which anyone can enjoy. More details can be found at

Didn't find what you were looking for?

It's important that you find a teacher who suits you and with whom you feel comfortable. Take a look at these websites for other ITM certified Alexander Technique teachers in Bristol, and I hope you find one that speaks to you.

Tracy Gil:

Jennifer Mackerras:

Veronica Pollard:


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